Criminal Histpry Checks for Plumbers?

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If you are a plumber, electrician or car mechanic, you need a police check on licence renewal. Plumbers wanting to renew their plumbing licensing must obtain a National Police History Check (NPHC) to renew their licence. The Plumbers Licensing Board requested this to ensure plumber applications for renewal could show their fitness to hold a licence.

AuthNTick is accredited by ACIC and AFP to conduct a National Police Check across all sectors in Australia.

Police Check Online for Miners

Mining sector criminal record checks require a certificate that must state Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety licensing in the purposes field of a police certificate as the reason for the check.

Criminal History Check for Plumbers

Normally Police check cost is the applicant’s responsibility. A quick criminal background check is required each time a renewal application is lodged (every three years). 

You can register with AuthNTick and order police checks online for your staff as a company. You can also invite others in your company to complete the checks.

With AuthNTick National Police Check, most police checks are processed on the same day. If your application has been referred for manual checking, the results can take up to 10 business days. Therefore, it is important to ensure you complete the check with time to spare before your licence renewal is due. 

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