Why AuthNTick vs Local Police station

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Difference between Local Police Station VS AuthNtick

In short, no. There is no difference in the Police Check document you receive from AuthNTick, your local police station or the post office as we all use the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission system to obtain this information. There is, however, a difference in cost, follow-up, communication and customer service efficiency and the way your police check is delivered to you. These are the areas in which AuthNTick stands head and shoulders above the rest.

AuthNTick will be handling all questions from applicants or employers relating to police checks you have submitted.

AuthNTick will play an important role in educating applicants and liaising with them. This includes:

  • explaining that their information will be kept confidential and private
  • advising how they should enquire to you about their police check
  • explaining that we cannot answer questions relating to their check as we cannot adequately identify applicants and cannot jeopardise the protection of their information
  • keeping them informed on their check’s progress and time frames involved
  • letting them know when their police check is complete
  • explaining that they can dispute a police check
  • explaining that their informed consent, personal information and check results will be destroyed and when they will be destroyed as per your contract.
  • Applicant can conduct check from the comfort of your home
  • Electronic Identity Verification through AuthNTick portal
  • Our unique system means you may receive your completed check results in as little as an hour and allows you to email, print or share a unique and secure link to your results.
  • The results of a National Police Check will be emailed to you immediately

Managing applicant expectations

Part of AuthNTick role is to manage expectations by letting applicants know how long it takes to receive a police check. AuthNTick will inform aboutt:

  1. How police check is processed,
  2. Follow up on your police check
  3. How a dispute police check results

AuthNTick completes 70% of checks within an hour. Event Digital verification of identity. Simple Fast, Safe, Secure & Affordable from $40

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